Your weekly chance to



Qache user dashboard showing real-time balance growth and weekly prize pool statistics, featuring a simple and intuitive interface.
Simplify Your Crypto Journey: Stake, Earn, and Win with Qache
Unique Rewards
All staking rewards fund a prize pool, creating the potential for significant payouts compared to traditional staking.
Weekly Draws
Every Friday, multiple winners are selected across multiple prize sizes. As soon as you deposit you are entered into the draws.
Prizes that grow with you
Our prizes are linked to your balance - the more you deposit, the bigger your potential reward. Learn More
Qache platform interface showcasing user balances multiplying with weekly prize draws, offering a secure and exciting crypto prize pool experience.
Bitcoin Mining: Ethereum Staking
Some cryptocurrencies offer rewards through staking. This process is similar to earning interest in a savings account.
Proof of Stake Simplified
Staking often requires technical expertise and resources. Qache handles the complexities for you.
Designed for Simplicity
Deposit your crypto and we manage the staking process. Earning interest on your crypto is effortless.
Infographic showing Qache's secure blockchain technology, ensuring safe and transparent prize pool participation for users' cryptocurrency.
Peace of Mind
Your principal is never at risk. All assets are backed 1:1.
Built on Interest
All prizes are funded solely from earned interest. Customer deposits remain unntouched.
Transparency & Security
Interest earned by all users is pooled into a prize fund. This enables prizes without compromising your investment.
Qache mobile app displaying an account balance, prize draw notifications, and a clean, user-friendly navigation bar for crypto prize pool participation.
We've heard you…
Qache platform showing Ethereum staking and prize distribution process for users
Male, 33
Celebrating a Big Win
"🎊🎊I didn't think I'd ever win. Never mind winning double my balance!"
User dashboard on Qache highlighting interest earnings and weekly prize draw
Female, 35
Seeking Stability and Simplicity
"Staking is too confusing. I want the rewards without all the technical hassle."
Visual representation of Qache’s automated Ethereum staking system with random prize rewards
Female, 22
Feeling Left Out
"Two of my friends have won. I've signed up and now I'm waiting for access."
Qache platform interface displaying user balance growth and weekly reward notifications
Female, 28
Desire for Bigger Potential
"I don't care about small returns. I'd rather take a chance on something bigger."
Sneak Peek
Make your first deposit
Purchase crypto in our app or transfer crypto you already own.

Track your balance
You have visibility of your crypto balance, transactions, and prizes in one place.

Eligible every week
No matter your balance, you are entered into the draw every week.

Check your prizes
Use the app to check your account for any prizes.
Qache platform showcasing seamless staking and weekly prize-winning opportunities for users
Balance Tracking
User-friendly Qache dashboard with interest earnings and weekly prize draws
Price Information
Graphic of Qache’s Ethereum staking process and how users benefit from interest and prizes
Prize Details


What are Dynamic prizes?

Our prizes are unlike any other. At Qache, we don't have fixed prizes; instead your prizes grow as you increase your balance.

Our biggest prize doubles your balance. If your balance is 1 ETH and you win the 2X prize, you win 1ETH and your balance grows to 2 ETH.  

We have four prizes that you can win; 0.1%, 1%, 10%, and 2X. Every week, we hold draws giving you a chance to win over and over again!

How are the prizes funded?

We collect the interest accrued on all customer deposits and combine it into prize fund. It is important to note that all prize money comes from this interest, and all customer deposits remain untouched.

The accrued interest comes from a process known as staking. It is similar to the mining of Bitcoin. Both mining and staking serve the purpose of validating transactions on the blockchain.

In the case of Ethereum, transactions are verified by validators who have staked some Ethereum as a "Proof-of-Stake". The validators are rewarded with additional Ethereum, which is commonly called a "staking yield". This yield is very similar to earning interest in a standard savings account.

How are the winners chosen?

All accounts are entered into a draw for each dynamic prize.  Every account has an equal chance of winning and there are multiple chances to win each prize. The draw takes place each Monday.

What are the risks?

Cryptocurrency is an inherently risky space given it’s cutting-edge nature. We have worked hard to mitigate against possibly risks such as slashing. While it is unlikely there is some risk that the validator node experiences downtime and our yield is slashed.

For minor cases of slashing this would cause our yield to decrease. In these cases we have a sinking fund which covers this loss and maintains a prize pool. For major cases of slashing we have insurance that covers losses to deposits.

How soon am I eligible to win a prize?

Immediately. When you make a deposit your new balance is immediately eligible for all prizes.

What cryptocurrencies does Qache support?

Currently we only support Ethereum. We are working hard to add new currencies to this list.

Does Qache accept fiat currency?

Currently we do not directly accept fiat transfers. This is high on our priority list as we are eager to provide this facility to customers.

It is still possible to purchase Ethereum through your connected web3 wallet and enter your purchased Ethereum into Qache.

Is there a minimum or maximum account balance?

Yes. Currently, the maximum balance is 0.02 ETH. Over time we will increase this limit. The minimm balance is 0.0004 ETH.

Is there a minimum withdrawal term?

Yes. The minimum deposit term is one week. After that period is over you can withdraw your funds at any time.

Is there a minimum or maximum deposit?

Yes. The minimum deposit is 0.0004 ETH. The maximum deposit is currently 0.02 ETH; over time we plan to increase this cap.

Have more questions?

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